On Domestic Violence

Our media at times throws around terms without much explanation, or even understanding, of what the terms mean. One of those terms is “domestic violence.” The headlines read “so and so arrested for domestic violence” or “so and so charged with domestic violence,” usually an athlete, without any understanding or explanation what domestic violence actually […]

All the World’s Khufus: Lessons from the Great Pyramid

In Egypt stands one of the most famous human built structures of all time, the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Constructed about 4,600 years ago, this mammoth stone edifice was the tallest man-made building in the world when it was completed, at just over 480 feet, for about 3,800 years. Unlike the European Cathedrals whose spires […]

Immigrant Nation

My children’s ancestors came to the New World over a period of almost 300 years, the first that I know of for certain arriving on the Mayflower in 1620 and the last being Poles arriving from the border region between Russia and Poland around 1915. In between their ancestors were primarily English, Dutch, and German […]