The Savior of the World

The world is the midst of a very dangerous leadership vacuum. At this very moment one of the world’s most notorious leaders, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, is desperately seeking to extricate himself from his ill-conceived and poorly executed grasp for power and is threatening his nearest neighbors and the world with both conventional and nuclear destruction. […]

At the Latter-day Saint General Conference, Why so Hesitant on the War in Ukraine?

First, to be honest and straight forward, to be blunt and to the point, I am dumbfounded and greatly saddened that in the just completed General Conference there seemed to be so much hesitancy to discuss the situation in, or even use the word, Ukraine. In ten hours of talk and prayers, I heard the […]

Approaching the Scriptures

Approaches to the scriptures seem to fluctuate between two extremes. One extreme views the scriptures as the complete, inviolable word of God, without error and unchallengeable, the interpretation thereof not open to debate and the meaning thereof set in proverbial stone. The other extreme views the scriptures as folk tales and pseudo-historical mumbo jumbo that […]