The Rittenhouse Trial

I’ve been wanting to write a few words regarding the Rittenhouse trial. As someone who has served the role of defense counsel in numerous criminal jury trials, for the most part I find the way our media covers such “stories” less than enlightening. The media in general seems either uninterested in explaining the legal issues […]

Defund the Police: Social Workers and the Police.

When the Defund the Police slogan and movement started many swiftly condemned the idea as leading to chaos. The Movement responded that the goal really was for local governments to reallocate resources from traditional policing to community services, notably mental health and drug and alcohol treatment. From my experience and perspective, the Defund the Police […]

Why Wall Street Loves Doing Business with the Chinese Communist Party

I was able to go to law school in my late 30’s after making money investing in stocks. When I was in law school I took a number of business classes and earned a concentration in business organizations. I didn’t do much with that information after I graduated, but I did get some insight into […]