Asian, Chinese, and the Chinese Communist Party

The Chinese Communist Party through its mouthpieces like the Global Times like to characterize critics of China’s ruling party anti-Asian. At times critics of the CCP do veer into xenophobic rants but a closer look clearly shows that criticizing the CCP is not anti-Asian.

The Chinese Communist Party, the only legal party in China, has roughly 91 million members out of a population of 1.4 billion, or about 6.5% of the population. There are no contested elections, nor free speech or free press, so determining the will of the Chinese people is difficult at best. On that measure alone, it is hard to see how criticizing the CCP can be characterized as anti-Chinese, let alone anti-Asian. The CCP proclaims itself Marxist as well, an ideology far from traditional Asian or even Chinese beliefs.

In addition, the peoples of Hong Kong and the nation of Taiwan are two of the CCP’s most vocal critics. Both peoples are overwhelmingly Han Chinese, as are the people of China. Both peoples are working hard to maintain their independence from the domination by the Chinese Communist Party.

Outside of China, India, the second largest nation by population in Asia after China with 1.3 billion people, has recently been involved in violent border clashes with China and has seen a marked rise in demonstrations to boycott Chinese products. Japan, the second largest economy in Asia, is actively promoting Japanese companies moving their manufacturing out of China, even to the point of paying Japanese companies to relocate from China. Even Marxist Vietnam has had a tense relationship with their northern neighbor, having clashed militarily a number of times since the reunification of Vietnam following the Vietnam War.

The Chinese Communist Party would like to characterize its critics as anti-Asian. That is one goal of their propaganda efforts. The peoples of Hong Kong and Taiwan, India and Vietnam, amongst other peoples in Asia, demonstrate clearly that the CCP does not represent the myriad peoples of Asia, and criticizing the CCP is not inherently anti-Asian.