Lebron James: Mastering your craft

We often either unnecessarily rip apart famous people like jealous little wannabes or like obedient, simple-minded sycophants lavish undue praise on them. Although no one is a perfect example, Lebron James is one of those famous people who receives both extremes. Lebron is, in my opinion, someone who has his faults and failings, but he also has many attributes that are more than worthy of emulation. One of those attributes is how he so diligently and conscientiously seeks to master his craft. Before I continue, I grant without argument that I’ve never met him but like most growing up around Cleveland I’ve read more articles and seen more interviews than I can count.

Lebron mindset is not, “I was born the chosen one and my greatness is inevitable.” Lebron mind set is, “I’m going to make the necessary and appropriate sacrifices to master my craft and develop and maintain my talents for as long as possible.” He looks at his weaknesses and failings objectively and realistically, and without blinking, then works out a plan of action to address those weakness, and then puts the plan into action, sacrificing some comforts and relaxation to master his craft. Worth the effort to learn from and emulate such examples.

Just one article, this one an article about Lebron’s workout routine during the Covid-19 pandemic.
