Anarchists and Marxists

A common misconception of those assumed to be on the political right, as well as some of the more naïve souls on the political left, is that self-described Anarchists and Marxists are kindred spirits, if not co-conspirators. History teaches that in the long run this is far from the case, and a dangerous misconception to hold, for both those on the right and left, and ironically enough, Anarchists themselves.

Anarchists, by definition, desire for society to be in a state of anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of a central authority, or any governmental authority, and the absolute freedom of the individual. In many people’s minds anarchy may connote rampant criminality, roving bands raping and pillaging. I think in the mind of most Anarchists, the appeal of anarchy is the elimination of what is perceived as intrusive, and abusive, State power.

Marxists, on the other hand, desire to transform society into one based on the teachings of Karl Marx. Marxism, in practice and theory, entails the absolute authority of the State, a dictatorship of the proletariat. In theory, a Marxist State would be very different from either an absolute monarchy or a one-man dictatorship. But in practice, most Marxist states have devolved into one-man dictatorships, or at times even hereditary dictatorships.

True, Anarchists and Marxists have at times combined forces. But only where they share the common goal of overthrowing some existing state authority. Once that authority is overthrown, the first people the Marxists feel the need to “reeducate,” and lead to the gallows, are the Anarchists. As has been shown over and over again, a Marxist State can tolerate their populations having capitalistic inclinations within limits at times, all the better to enrich the State, but every Marxist State has sought strenuously to stamp out anarchistic inclinations within their borders, all the while fomenting it in the borders of their enemies.

To the Anarchists, beware. The enemy of your enemy may seem like your friend, but the Marxist is really your most implacable enemy.